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3 anni fa

Nächstes Jahr wieder. Diese Unterkunft passt perfekt zu einem Trip ins Val Grande!

August 2021
German booking guest

3 anni fa

The host Simona is a wonderful lady, whom I chatted in the garden with for over an hour after my arrival and shower. She made my stay memorable, and I felt very welcome and looked after.

August 2021
Swiss booking guest

3 anni fa

Das Frühstück war authentisch, frisch und originell und der Platz unter der Pergola einfach fantastisch. Die Lage der Liegenschaft ist in Mitten von Weinreben, Natur pur! Tolle Gastgeberin, sehr sympathisch, sehr nett und zuvorkommend.

July 2021
Swiss booking guest

3 anni fa

In un paesino quasi estinto, nel senso irreale, fiabesco, fatto di casette in pietra con tetto a lastre e dove persino le vigne hanno i pali in colonnine di pietra (peccato solo le ristrutturazioni colorate delle casette “restaurate”), si trova il B&B Uva Blu che non a caso è inserito nel contesto di vigne di Nebbiolo. Accoglienza come se tu fossi a casa da parte di Simona, gentilissima signora proprietaria, e guidati alla camera salendo su per la scala in pietra che è un’opera d’arte. Nella camera, dove è invece il legno a farla da padrone (pavimento in doghe e soffitto in travi e listelli, sembra uno chalet del secolo scorso) ci si trova in un confort da fiaba, accogliente e caldo. Dalle piccole finestre si ammira la valle e le vigne curate che sono più che altro pergole di tralci. Consiglio di andare per credere! La colazione mattutina è a base di genuini cibi, sani e buoni. Consigliate le marmellate fatte in casa introvabili nel resto del mondo!

April 2021
Italian booking guest

3 anni fa

Tolles Frühstück, schöne und ruhige Landschaft und sehr freundliche und unkomplizierte Gastgeberin.

August 2020
Swiss booking guest

3 anni fa

Because of the beautiful surroundings and the aesthetic comfort of Simona’s place (rooms, breakfast, garden, view), two friends who came to stay with me at UvaBlu asked in amaze, “Anne, how did you find a place like this??” Simona is as wonderful as the visual impression of her house and garden. If you travel by yourself I can recommend UvaBlu because someone is in the house even though you are in the mountains.

September 2021
Danish Airbnb guest

3 anni fa

Sehr gutes Frühstück und sehr schöne Lage oberhalb von Domodossola. Für die Mobilität braucht es aber fast ein Auto.

August 2021
Swiss Airbnb guest

3 anni fa

Eine Nacht durfte ich verbringen in einem kleinen Paradies, umgeben von Reben und bestens empfangen von Simona – freundlich und aufmerksam zu jeder Zeit. Das Frühstück im Garten ein Traum: selbst gemachte Marmelade und lokale Produkte. Empfehlenswert!

August 2021
German Airbnb guest

3 anni fa

To stay at Simona’ s place was a very nice experience. Very quite place. Had a lovely breakfast in the garden with nice jams, bread, cheeses and cupcakes. Simona is a lovely host.

August 2021
Dutch Airbnb guest

3 anni fa

Une hôte accueillante, cultivée et polyglotte qui fait volontiers partager son coin de paradis.

August 2021
French Airbnb guest

3 anni fa

My friend and have lived most of our life on the shores of Lake Maggiore, and as it is often the case, we have a tendency to wanting to travel far, forgetting what is in ones backyard. We thus decided to go for a two days tour to hike in the mountains just behind Lake Maggiore, bordering nearby Switzerland. For our night out, we decided to stay at “B&B Uvablu”. What could we say to best describe this experience? Well, it was almost moving. It felt like a privilege to having the possibility to spend even few hours in this hamlet, with just a few old houses, and several agricultural stones building. Surrounded by an ancient vineyard and overlooking the Ossola Valley with magnificent 360°views on the mountains, this place allows you to go back one century, and this is so refreshing. Simona is certainly the kind of person that can always surprise you, not only for her hospitality and great home made breakfast and lovely jams, but also as for her personality and culture. The house, the rooms…, everything was just so charming and neat. Next day we had a lovely trek on the nearby mountains and because we did not have enough, we will definitely go back soon. So yes, even for locals like us, magic can be found nearby, in the simplicity of the authentic.

September 2020
Airbnb Danish Guest

4 anni fa

Bellissima casa di pietra tra le vigne. Colazione molto buona.

August 2020
Italian booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

Simona is a great host with a wonderful apartment in the middle of a vineyard! Delicious breakfast every day and nice recommendations for travel! Thank you very much!

August 2020
Frederick and Anna
German airbnb guests

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

Bei Simona fühlt man sich auch als Alleinreisende über mehrere Tage ohne Auto sehr wohl. Ihr rustikales Gästehaus mit den originellen Zimmern zeichnet sich durch allen Komfort und sehr viel individuellen Stil aus. Auch der Garten ist ein Traum für die Sinne!
Hier geschieht nichts in Serie alles ist einmalig und besonders. Jeden Morgen gibt es immer etwas Neues zum Frühstück wie Kuchen, crumbles oder pancakes. Alles ist lokal und selbstgemacht. Ich habe auch mehrfach das Abendessen sehr genossen! Die Mahlzeiten nimmt man übrigens draußen unter den Weinreben am steinernen Tisch ein!
Simona berät einen mit ihren fachkundigen Tipps zu Wanderungen in der Umgebung und allen Verkehrsanbindungen.
Das Uvablu liegt etwas abseits – dadurch besonders idyllisch – , jedoch ist es auch zu Fuß von Masera gut über die alten Maultierpfade in 15 Minuten erreichbar. Masera hat den Anschluss an die Vigezzina-Bahn, die direkt nach Domodossola oder in die andere Richtung nach Locarno führt.
Wer wirklich abschalten und genießen möchte, ist hier richtig!

August 2020
German guest

4 anni fa

Bellissima casa di pietra tra le vigne. Colazione molto buona.

August 2020
Italian airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

Posto molto carino, facile da raggiungere e posizionato in posizione strategica per raggiungere le diversi valli limitrofe.

August 2020
Italian airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

Splendida casa di campagna, super accoglienza. Colazione con prodotti freschi locali strepitosa!

July 2020
Italian Booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

Die Hausherrin Simona ist ein warer Engel. Von Resturant Empfhelungen bis hin zu telefonischer Unterstützung beim raussuchen von Zugverbindungen hat Sie uns vollstens unterstützt. Die Unterkunft an sich ust schon ein Traum. Ein altes, trationelles und top renoviertes Steinhaus mit Toplage. Das Frühstück war wirkluch ausgezeichnet, auch wenn es sehr Süßspeisen lastig war. Von Selbergemachtem Walnussbrot über selbergemachte Mameladen und Frischen Muffins war alles dabei. Sehr gut.

July 2020
German booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
4 anni fa

I was tempted to give a bad review so I can keep this wonderful place secret to myself. But the truth is the house, Simona, and the location are so fantastic that I cannot deny the experience to anyone else. The ancient, beautifully restored house is full of character for which you would be coming to this part of Italy for in the first place. The garden, vineyards, and associated neighboring cottages of the hamlet give a timeless feel for what life has been like here for centuries. Views of different mountain ranges and valleys in every direction. Breakfast is superb and made with such attention and care for details, using the best local, bio, and handmade products from Simona’s own kitchen and garden. Finally Simona is a wealth of information about the architecture, culture, and soul of the region. She connects with her guests and engages them with stories of her own travels, and endless hints for the area. What impressed me the most was her open door policy in her kitchen, in which all day long neighbors and friends would come by for a visit showing she is a real center-point of the local community and an inspiration for the slow-food, slow-living movement in Italy. You will rejuvenate your soul here….

June 2019
American airbnb guest

4 anni fa

Die authentische Persönlichkeit der Führung des B&B, die liebevolle Einrichtung der Zimmer/des Hauses, die selbstgemachte Marmelade, das selbstgebackene Brot, der wunderschöne Garten. Das schönste B&B, in dem wir bisher waren.

July 2020
Sabine Zollhofer
German booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Herrliche Unterkunft mit herzlicher Gastgeberin. Gerne wieder!

July 2020
German booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Leckeres Frühstück mit saisonalen und regionalen Produkten und hausgemachten Konfitüren – Lage mit schöner Aussicht in Weinreben – Gemütlicher Garten zum Erholen – Stimmig und schön eingerichtete Zimmer – Freundliche Gastgeberin

June 2020
German booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Amazing place if looking for seclusion, an amazing host and a great view. Cool hike opportunities to an abandoned village nearby.

German booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Casetta di montagna in pietra, in posizione eccezionale in mezzo ai vigneti di proprietà, con vista sulla montagna e sulla piana di Domodossola, proprietaria molto cortese, bagno non in camera ma attrezzato, piacevole e pulito, colazione ottima. Peccato visto la stagione non aver potuto sfruttare il giardinetto.
Pavimento in camera super scricchiolante, ma è parte del fascino della struttura (é una casa di montagna antica molto ben ristrutturata)

November 2019
Italian booking.com guest

4 anni fa

I had a wonderful time staying at Simonas place. The house is very nice, nicely decorated, it is very quite there and from every window one can see the mountains or vineyards. It was perfect for relaxing and hiking and Simona is a great host.

August 2019
German Airbnb guest

4 anni fa

Simona è stata bravissima a tutti i livelli: sia la sua disponibilità, i suoi consigli e il suo angolo di paradiso hanno fatto sì che ci siamo trovati benissimo.

September 2019
French Airbnb guest

4 anni fa

Einfach klasse! Das Haus in den Weinbergen hatte uns mit seinem Charme wahnsinnig beeindruckt. Das Haus und alles drum herum wurde mit sehr viel Geschmack hergerichtet. Es war alles blitzsauber und bequem. Die Gastgeberin, eine bildhübsche und kraftvolle Person, gibt sich alle Mühe, den Aufenthalt zu einem puren Vergnügen zu machen. Zum Frühstück gab es selbstgebackenes Brot, Zitronenkuchen, selbstgemachte Brotaustriche und einen liebevoll hergerichteten Joghurt, auf der wunderschönen Terrasse. Ich denke, man merkt, wie begeistert wir waren. Auch das Dorf und die Umgebung sind total autentisch 🙂

September 2019
German Airbnb guest

4 anni fa

This place is situated in beautiful grape orchard, at the foot of mountains. Very beautiful! The host is very kind.

October 2019
Chinese Airbnb guest

4 anni fa

Casetta di montagna in pietra, in posizione eccezionale in mezzo ai vigneti di proprietà, con vista sulla montagna e sulla piana di Domodossola, proprietaria molto cortese, bagno non in camera ma attrezzato, piacevole e pulito, colazione ottima. Peccato visto la stagione non aver potuto sfruttare il giardinetto.
Pavimento in camera super scricchiolante, ma è parte del fascino della struttura (é una casa di montagna antica molto ben ristrutturata)

November 2019
Italian Booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Everything was very nice. The house and garden was very charming and the room and bathroom were comfortable and clean. The breakfast was marvelous. Simona was a very nice person. She took good care of us and even drove us to the station which where some km from the house.

October 2019
Marianne Björnfot- Cohen
Swedish Booking.com guest

4 anni fa

The place is much better than in the photos. I would like to spend more time here, but even one day gives a very pleasant feeling. Organic food. Breakfast is really good. Simona is very nice and careful. Nearby are pretty towns and panoramic railway.

August 2019
Russian Booking.com guest

4 anni fa

Tutto eccezionale, dalla location immersa nel verde alle stanze ampie e confortevoli e arredate con cura in ogni dettaglio. Simona è una padrona di casa fantastica e la colazione da lei preparata con prodotti locali e genuini era veramente da 10 e lode!! Consigliamo vivamente…

August 2019
Italian Booking.com guest

5 anni fa

Ein kleines Paradies. Simona betreut ihre Gäste wunderbar. Ein Höhepunkt ist das Frühstück morgens im Garten mit regionalen Produkten und hausgemachtem Brot. Eindeutig zu empfehlen.

August 2019
Swiss Booking.com guest

5 anni fa

Sehr außergewöhnliche Lage fuer einen auswärtigen. Historische Location, super freundliche und hilfsbereite Gastgeberin Simona und morgens ein selbst gemachtes Frühstück im Garten oder der Küche. Ich komme gerne wieder

August 2019
German Booking.com guest

5 anni fa

Un’oasi di pace, un giardino che favorisce la concentrazione, architettura e arredi interni completano questo effetto molto gradevole.

Agosto 2019
Italia Airbnb guest

5 anni fa

Simona is an amazing host. Her house is really beautiful. We felt like home and we will go back for sure!

April 2019
Swiss Airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
5 anni fa

Simonas B&B ist einfach ein Traum! Die alten, wunderschönen Gebäude und die Umgebung mit den Weinreben sind einzigartig. Das Frühstück, welches mit Produkten vom Garten und dem Wald sowie selber zubereiteten Kuchen etc. einem am morgen im wunderschönen Garten erwartet, ist umwerfend gut. Ihre herzliche und gastfreundliche Art sowie die guten Tips bereichern den Aufenthalt und versprühen eine Atmosphäre in der man sich rundum wohl fühlt. Vielen Dank!

JUNE 2019
Swiss Airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
5 anni fa

Simona is such a nice person, you will feel like home. The house and the garden are with beautiful details. You will enjoy your time there.

July 2019
German Airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
5 anni fa

Trovo il B&B di Simona dopo averne visionati tanti. Mi colpiscono le foto perché sembra molto carino. Devo dire che in realta è anche meglio di quello che si vede in foto. Tutto perfetto. Posizione ottima. Colazione perfetta, stanza accogliente e letto ottimo. Tutto pulito perfettamente. E intorno alla casa molto verde con un bellissimo vigneto. Complimenti davvero a Simona che è davvero Superhost, molto gentile e accogliente. In gamba a fare tutto e a farti sentire a casa.Torneremo sicuramente, GRAZIE!

July 2019
Airbnb guest

5 anni fa

5star breakfast. All just wonderful!!!

June 2019
Swiss Booking.com guest

5 anni fa

Ein wirklich tolles BB. Fantastischer Garten und nette Gastgeberin. Wir konnten den eigenen Grappa probieren. Frühstück im Garten.

June 2019
Swiss Booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
5 anni fa

“Simonas B&B ist einfach ein Traum! Die alten, wunderschönen Gebäude und die Umgebung mit den Weinreben sind einzigartig. Das Frühstück, welches mit Produkten vom Garten und dem Wald sowie selber zubereiteten Kuchen etc. einem am morgen im wunderschönen Garten erwartet, ist umwerfend gut. Ihre herzliche und gastfreundliche Art sowie die guten Tips bereichern den Aufenthalt und versprühen eine Atmosphäre in der man sich rundum wohl fühlt. Vielen Dank!”

May 2019
Miro und Ingrid
Swiss Airbnb client

5 anni fa

Die Atmosphäre in diesen alten Gebäuden und wie sie renoviert wurden. Die Lage ist einmalig mit wunderbarer Aussicht. Das Frühstück mit besonders feinen Speisen von der Vermieterin selbst gebacken und gekocht übertrifft jedes herkömmliche Frühstück. Wir wurden verwöhnt!!!

Booking.com guests

Simona Silvestris
5 anni fa

You couldn’t ask for a better place to unwind and relax. Absolutely stunning home, property, views and service. It is an Italian escape like no other and I can’t wait to be back very soon.

April 2019
American Airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa

“What can one say? This is a little slice of heaven. The initial email communication was pleasantly informal and clear, regular and concise, and had me feeling at ease before my arrival. The beautiful area of this idyllic hamlet strewn with grape vines, through to the mountain views rolling into the distance, this place fits me perfectly. The homely rooms which respect the period of the house but with little personal additions from Simona’s worldly collections hit the mark perfectly as do the common sense requirements – a hairdryer in the room and a squeegee in the sizeable shower (anywhere that has a squeegee for ‘wiping down’ the shower has a head start in my book straight away!), this is more for me an experience than just your average Bed and Breakfast. There are even little pillows stuffed with (locally reaped, no doubt) dried herbs adorning the pillows to keep the rooms fragrant and fresh. The breakfast was quaintly delicious (a wonderful, local addition of goats cheese made from one of Simona’s friends up by the Swiss border gives you an idea of the thoughtful touches at Uvablu), the table setting sublimely divine under the pergola, and just, well, the feel of the place, which can neither be described in words or pictures is something you’ll really need to experience for yourself. There is wifi too, but using my phone felt like this was a viral intrusion which I had brought into this peaceful, rural and sumptuous environment. Bring a book – work is certainly best left at home. The crowning glory however is Simona herself. If you’re the kind of person who is more interested in listening to others over talking about yourself, she is a wonderfully engaging soul and certainly worth inviting in to share a slice of home-made banana cake with (in any of the languages she is proficient in!). Cannot recommend this place enough if you want to decompress and be a part of life once again. Thank you Simona.”

July 2018
Nick and Jo
English airbnb guests

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa

“Simona is a great host, quick to respond prior to the visit and very hospitable during it. The house is in a lovely location but the outdoor breakfast was the highlight for me; most of it homemade, all of it delicious. Recommended.”

July 2018
Airbnb guest

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa


April 2018
Wilfrid and Giovanna
Swiss Airbnb guests

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa

Simona is a fantastic host and the property, set amidst the wineyards is a great location. She is very knowledeable about the Ossola Valley. Faboulous Breakfast with locally made products. I will go back in Spring or Summer to take full advantage of the surroundings.

January 2018
Swiss booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa

Le casa è un suggestivo edificio del ‘700 ristrutturato con grande cura e attenzione, con un gusto per l’arredamento davvero delizioso. La posizione in collina sopra la valle da adito ad una gradevole vista da tutte le camere, il tutto immersi nelle vigne del Prunent e all’interno di un abitato di case in pietra sempre del ‘700. La proprietaria è inoltre gentilissima e vi preparerà lei una buonissima colazione.

January 2018
Fabio Rubini
Italian Booking.com guest

Simona Silvestris
6 anni fa

Ambiente molto caldo e pulito, restaurato divinamente, ideale per chi apprezza ambienti rustici dal sapore antico, il bagno in comune è l’unico dettaglio che mi lasciava dubbioso, ma devo dire che non è stato per niente un problema in quanto la pulizia a qualsiasi ora, era impeccabile, colazione sana e buona con prodotti fatti in casa e utilizzo di materie prime di alto livello, ottima la marmellata di uva fragola rigorosamente fatta dalla proprietaria nel complesso se torno nei pressi di Domodossola ci tornerò sicuramente senza alcun dubbio la bellezza del posto unito alla cortesia assoluta della proprietaria ha reso la nostra permanenza davvero piacevole… Consigliatissimo

December 2017
Italian Booking.com guest

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